VIVES moves towards energy sustainability

VIVES has taken a great step towards sustainability and care for the environment with an important photovoltaic investment in two of its manufacturing plants. In total, nearly four thousand solar panels have been erected on an area of more than eight thousand square meters. This initiative has allowed VIVES to reduce its daytime electricity consumption from the network by 40%, which means significant savings in terms of energy and a substantial reduction in its carbon footprint.


The environmental impact of this facility is truly incredible and according to the calculations made, the savings in electricity consumption will be equivalent to three hundred and thirty-one gasoline vehicles driven for a year or the equivalent to charging more than one hundred and eighty-six million smartphones, all thanks to the energy generated by solar panels.


The commitment to renewable energy has become a priority in many sectors and VIVES is a good example of this. The installation of these solar panels not only reduces energy consumption and CO2 emissions, but also becomes an investment in the medium term. Solar energy is an inexhaustible source and, as technology advances, it is becoming more cost-effective and efficient.

The photovoltaic installation carried out by VIVES is an important step towards sustainability and the fight against climate change.

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